Importance of Pradosha Pooja
Importance of Pradosha Pooja

Whoever does fasting on Monday or during pradosha and visits Shiva temple after sunset wearing rudraksha and applying vibhuti and worship Lord Shiva will get relief from sins and attains moksha. During this period of time gods from all heavenly bodies come to earth and perform Shiva pooja.
During pradosha if we perform abhishekam then we will be blessed with boons. In Abhishekam panchamrutham has its own significance. Panch (five) + Amruth (nectar) which consists of milk, curd, honey, ghee and sugar.
Milk – Long life
Curd – Good children
Honey – melodious voice
Ghee – Moksha
Sugar – Removes enmity.
Mantra to be chanted before going to sleep:
Before sleeping we need to recollect all our activities and pray to God to forgive all our sins and wrongly activities. Before sleeping we need to chant the mantra “Jale Rakshatu varahaha sale rakshatu vamanaha argyaam narasimhasya parvataha saatu keshavaha”
Meaning: In Jale (water) Varaha Swamy, on earth Vamana Swamy, in the forest, we have lord Narasimha Swamy, may the Lord bless us with all these forms and in all places.
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