Why should we do head bath before going to temple?

Why should we do head bath before going to temple? As we all know after doing head bath we keep our whole body clean, always our heart suffers from many feelings like wishes, angry, lust, anxiety, ego etc.. We don’t have the power to clean such feelings that is why we do minimum duty of cleaning our whole body and visiting temple for lord’s blessings. Here head bath resembles god that as we have cleaned our body and please forgive our sins and give us mental peace. If crow shouts, do relatives come? Years back when there is no proper communication medium like mail, phone, and letters. We use to send our communication with the help of trained birds. If a new bird is recognized by a crow when they start producing sounds. Listening to its sound we use to imagine that someone has got some communication in their village. With that image, we used to think that there are relative’s coming to our house. Similarly if at all a crow dies and falls in front of us, we shou...