Significance of Mangal Gowri vratham

During Sravana Masam(month), whoever the lady plans to do Mangala Gowri Vratham (on Tuesday) needs to prepare thoranam’s and put one in front of the devotee, the second one is to be tied to her hand and others need to be tied to muthaituvu (a woman whose husband is alive). During the time of trying to mutahituvu, for offering maha naivedyam and vayanam (offering to muthaituvu), we make Pongal made with rice, green gram, turmeric powder, and a little salt. Later we offer turmeric powder, kumkum , sandalwood powder, eyetex, bangles, Bengal gram, banana, salimidi (recipe made with rice powder and jaggery) as a vayanam (offering). This offering is normally given by inviting women after sunset or even given by going to their house. Mangala Gowri vratam is done on all four Tuesdays during this month and this process is done continuously for five years and then they do udyapana (finish). Count of muthaituvu will increase by 5. That is 2 years after marriage we give it to 10 women...