Sacred Timeline to Conceive Boy or Girl Based on Ancient Scripts

According to Hindu culture, when a women gets married she comes to her husband’s house leaving apart from her parents. She comes altogether believing her husband, so husband needs to fulfill basic things like feeding her healthy food, to protect her private parts he needs to provide good clothing and shelter for security. More importantly, he needs to get closer to her partner only during nights. Let us learn Sacred Timeline to Conceive Boy or Girl Based on Ancient Scripts: When getting together it is considered to be best during the last four days after her period. Our ancients have calculated days which are good for giving their offsprings. If you get closer during 4, 6, 8,10, 12,14, 16,18 etc.. like even days it is said you will have a male child and if you get closer during 5,7,9,11,13,15,17 et. During odd days you will have a female child. Also based on ancient texts it is said not to get together during Saturday, Sunday and Tuesdays as it leads to a ...