While giving aarti to god, why will we ring bell?

While giving aarti to god, why will we ring bell? We find “Achari” the person who spells mantras and pray god, will ring bell in the temple several times. i.e.: while offering “naivedyam” (fruits, flowers etc.), while singing wake up song early morning, before closing temple, while giving aarti we ring bell. We have special significance in ringing bell during aarti, it tells us that we are welcoming all the gods. To which ever god we offer aarti, we mean that god should enter the idol with heavenly powers. While the god enters the idol with heavenly powers, devotees should be able to view his beautiful image during the light of aarti. So if we are going to see the god during aarti, it means are able to see his presence. What are arishadvargas and its influence on human life?