What is Chandi Pradakshina in Sivalayam and Its Significance

Whenever we visit the temple first we need to touch dwajastambham and do pradikshana. If its Shiva temple then we need to do Chandi pradhakshina and if its Vishnu temple we can perform normal circumambulating. In Hindu culture, Chandi pradhikshana has got immense prominence. “First we need to visit Nandi and go to panabattam, then again turn back and go to next panabattam and turn back and visit Nandi and again go to panabattam and come back then this is called Chandi pradakshina .” Above phrase may be a little confusing but we need to follow the exact way to do chandi pradakshina . One single Chandi pradhikshana will give you some thousands of normal pradakshina. First, we need to understand the significance of this “ Chandi pradhikshana ”, in every Shiva temple we find panabattam where Abhisheka fluids and water flow from it, as we should not move about this flow as it's considered sacred we also find small idol which is considered as Chandeshwarudu . We need to visit Chan...