Importance of Mukkoti Ekadasi

Mukkoti Ekadasi and Uttara Dwara Dharshan On the day of Mukkoti, Lord Sri Maha Vishnu will wake up from yoga sleep. On that particular day, he will be shown to all from the north point. If we see him from the north gate then it is believed that we get punyam. People believe that if we visit him first on this auspicious day and have a wish in our heart then they get fulfilled. If we visit him through the north gate on this day leaving all our worries and work, along with Lord Vishnu we also get blessed with mukkoti devatas. Mukkoti Ekadasi Rituals: One should wake up early and complete ablutions. Try to observe strict fasting without eating and drinking even water. For people who are weak, old or cannot afford to maintain strict fasting can have fruits and milk. Special prayers like chanting lord Vishnu slokas, Vishnu sahasranamam should be done. One should spend his day by listening to songs, doing bhajans and singing and praising Lord Vishnu. As said above, one...