Benefits Of Meditation Based On Location

Locational Benefits Of Meditation There are many advantages of meditation, there are many postures and methods of doing it. Before doing it, let us know its effect and benefits of meditation based on location . If we do meditation at the house, you will get the benefit of what you have done. If we do meditation at banks of the river, you will get a double benefit. If we do meditation at goshala (the place where cow are tied), you will get 100 times benefit If we do meditation at yagashala you will get more benefit than goshala. If we do meditation at divine places or at the presence of the lord, you will get 10,000 times more benefit But if you do meditation at Lord Shiva you will get the ultimate benefit. People who do meditation sitting on tiger skin will attain eternity. If you meditate sitting on bamboo stick mat, you will be catch hold of sorrows. If you meditate sitting on a stone, you will get diseases. If you sit on land and meditate then you will get sorrown...