Karma: Importance of past deeds in present life

In Hindu mythology, many believe in karma . Based on the good or bad deeds we will suffer or live good in this or in next life. According to ancient texts, it is said that based on previous or this life sins or deeds we need to suffer before going to heaven. We find people cursing God for his abnormalities when born or in this life span. It is we who create our destiny with our acts. Based on the acts we perform we need to suffer, based on ancient texts we get to know certain facts. Karma: Importance of past deeds in the present life If a person performs Brahma hayta will be born or suffer from Tuberculosis. slaughter cow - you will be born with the abnormal body or pigmy (who are short in height and body parts) kill females then you will be born or always suffer from some or other kind of diseases If a Brahmin consumes meat then he will suffer from leprosy Say a false statement and make some others suffer then you will be born as dumb. Steal books...