Significance of Kartik Purnima

Significance of Kartik Purnima : Karthika pournami is a full moon day in the month of Karthika Masam. Devotees wake up early in the morning and have a bath at the banks of the river or at home when not feasible and perform fasting. Our ancient texts say that a devotee obtains salvation, wealth, health and fulfill all their wishes by just lighting up the lamp in the month of Karthika masa. We light 365 wicks on this day resembling 365 days in a year. People who cannot light a lamp in front of God every day and cannot perform rituals every day, there is a provision on this day that if we can light a lamp consisting of 365 wicks, it is worth of lighting every day. On this Karthik Purnima , people like to light lamp early morning before sunrise and few like to lamp in the evening after sunset after breaking they're fast. When it comes to Vaishnava's version of saying, today is the day lord Vishnu incarnated as Matsyavataram to save Manu from maha pralaya. ...