Importance of Abyangana bath after Naraka Chathurdhi

Next day of Naraka Chaturdashi goddess Lakshmi resides in til oil. Whoever a person wakes up early morning and do Abyangana bath i.e by applying til oil to his head and his whole body and have bath will be blessed with the goddess. Apart from blessings, he will also get health benefits of skin. Goddess Ganga resides in the water on the next day of Naraka Chaturdashi. On the same day, if you lamp light towards the south of your house (Yama sthan) with til oil and pray to the lord, it makes our pitrudevas (Our ancestors) Shanti. Rituals to be followed when you visit Lord Ganesh or Kumara Swamy temple Whenever you visit Lord Ganesh or Kumara Swamy temple, you need to wear traditional dresses only. Males should wear pancha and kanduva when you perform Ganesh homam. After completion of abhisekas like gandhabhisheka, viboodhi, fruit juice, the milk we need to consume modhaka prasadam. Then after we should do situps by holding our ears with cross fingers and cross hands. The...