Why should be thankful to our teacher/ guru

We should be thankful to our mother, father, god, and guru. Where ever you are in this universe, if you are blessed with your guru, you attain the power to outcome from all obstacles. When you are in a problem and if you pray your guru then his blessings will protect you like armor that’s why we call guru as Lord Brahma. Gurur-Brahmaa Gurur-Vissnnur-Gururdevo Maheshvarah | Gurur sakshat Param Brahma Tasmai Shrii-Gurave Namah || Meaning: The Guru is Brahma, the Guru is Vishnu, the Guru Deva is Maheswara (Shiva), The Guru is Verily the Para-Brahman (Supreme Brahman); Salutations to that Guru. Why should be thankful to our teacher/ guru: Whether knowingly or unknowingly if we are facing problems then you have to chant “dattat saranam mama, dattat saranam mama” with devotion and concentration. As Guru Datta is a guru of all gurus and he is a form of trinath (Brahma, Vishnu, and Lord Shiva). You will also get protected from natural calamities with his blessings. From a...