How does Vaitarani River Look?

How does Vaitarani River Look? According to puranas, Vaitarani River is 100 yojna wide and is located in yamapuri/ hell. You don't find any water; it is filled with blood and fuss. People who do sins in this word are being punished in that river, it is said there are crocodiles and snakes in that river and their bite is more painful. Whoever closes their eyes and does not recognize what is right and wrong does many sins in this world. All those are punished very cruelly without any mercy. People shout with pain and suffer reminding their sins. There is no one to rescue us, which is why Hindu saints say not do sins, even though we may escape punishment in this world but we cannot escape from the eyes of God. According to Garuda Purana, if sinners are thirsty they are given boiling oil. Even if we are granted permission to have new human life, their sins are borrowed to next life and they are being punished to suffer by having diseases or handicapped. That is why we...