Why do we remove disti (evil eye) for small children

 Why do we remove disti (evil eye) for small children

Why do we remove disti (evil eye) for small children
We find many of the Indians removing disti in various ways. We find this kind of ritual mainly during their birthday event or when they participate in any event along with their child.

Whenever our children or elder person come with victory or when they are praised unnaturally or if they are lazy because of energy drain and ill we remove disti.

--> Normally in children, we remove disti by adding turmeric powder and sunnam (a white ingredient used along with beetle leaf) mixed in water. People believe that with the eyesore of surrounding people child’s internal aura gets disturbed and by doing this ritual, the child may not fear in his dream and may not raise abnormally from their sleep and cry.

With the spiritual aspect, every human being lives with the cosmic energy within them and each has different levels of energy. Because of our deeds, we have both positive and negative energies on us. Some belief because of the negative energy flowing through our eyes may get diseased, or feel ill or even get destroyed.

Some remove disti at the end of birthday or event by giving aarthi and with red water. Watching red color, again and again, will remove a few diseases. Some believe it gives mental peace. And some break white pumpkin. Many of us keep disti Vinayaka photo in front of the house.


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