What is meant by brahma muhurtham
What is meant by brahma muhurtham
The son born to Kashyapa brahama and vinitha devi is Anurudu. He is the chariot of Lord Sun. Vinitha devi was very anxious to his son. Before the birth of Anurudu she had taken him out of her womb so he was born with incomplete body.
Lord Brahma appointed the child as a chariot of Lord Sun and blessed with the boon. The time when he was on the earth is known as brahma time period. During that time period not even a single stars or planet can cause any harm or influence any ill effect.
Usually, Brahma Muhurtham indicates the time between 3 hours before to the sun
rise time. For example if sun rise is at 5:45 am, Brahma Muhurtham is
between 2:45 and 5:45.
During Devi puja what should be offered and on what day

Monday – Milk
Tuesday – Banana
Wednesday – Fresh butter which is taken on the early morning
Thursday – Sugar blocks
Friday – Sugar
Saturday – Cow milk
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